Tuesday, July 11, 2017


That's "hiya!" as in "hello!", not "hii-yaah!" I'm not a ninja.

Or a cyclops.

For those of you wondering what this here bloggity is all about and if you're going to be hearing more jokes of that caliber, allow me to explain. (You will be.)

For the last near-decade, I've been posting on the Interwebs at a fairly consistent rate, mostly about the horror genre, a lifelong passion of mine. Only recently has it occurred to me that a change of pace might prove fun and worthwhile. By day, I am a part-time library assistant focused mainly on information services and, more to the point of this entire enterprise, young adult services. You know, "teens." This is, in fact, the branch of librarianship that I am currently working my way towards as I acquire my MLIS from the University of South Florida.

Pictured: two teens in their natural habitat.
Approach with extreme caution!

After stumbling upon a series of wonderful sites geared towards this same subject (many of which you can find in the blogrolls to the right), I thought that a space dedicated towards this aspect of my life would not only give me a different kind of creative outlet for my writing, but also act as a handy way for me to archive my past programs, events, and stories for the purposes of professional development, networking ideas, and for picking my mood back up whenever I started to question the meaning of it all.

So you mean like Tuesdays?

So add this site to the increasing milieu of library-themed blogs and online journals (or don't!), one that will predominantly take as its subject the services that my home library makes available to its teenaged patrons.

My goal is to work my way through the "backlog" of notable events that I've been a part of ever since becoming the "unofficial assistant" to the Teen Librarian in the summer of 2015, so it might be a bit before this blog catches up with the rest of us in real time. Along the way I may sprinkle in some different business like my personal journey to Library Land, but I'm chomping at the bit to start broadcasting the work that the Teen Librarian and I have done (and are doing), so chances are highly likely that that stuff will come first before I get into the far-less interesting biographical flotsam. (If I ever do.)

Sound exciting? Great! Then let's Dewey decimal this thing!

Strap in, folks. 

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